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发布时间:2024-08-19 09:03:57 编辑:小编 来源:唯美村


创始人:Adele和Edoardo Fendi


Fendi (Italian pronunciation: [fndi]) is an Italian luxury fashion house producing fur, ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes, fragrances, eyewear, timepieces and accessories. Founded in Rome in 1925 by Edoardo Fendi and Adele Casagrande,Fendi is known for its fur, fur accessories, and leather goods. Since 2001, Fendi has been part of the “Fashion & Leather Goods” division of the French group LVMH. Its headquarters are in Rome, in the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana.

Fendi(意大利语发音:[fndi])是一家意大利奢侈时装公司,生产皮草、成衣、皮革制品、鞋子、香水、眼镜、钟表和配饰。Fendi 由 Edoardo Fendi 和 Adele Casagrande 于 1925 年在罗马创立,以皮草、皮草配饰和皮革制品而闻名。自 2001 年以来,Fendi 一直是法国集团 LVMH 的“时装和皮革制品”部门的一部分。其总部位于罗马的意大利文明宫。


In September 2020, English designer Kim Jones was announced as artistic director of Fendi's women's collection, formerly occupied by Lagerfeld. Under his leadership, Fendi collaborated on a clothing collections with Kim Kardashian West's shapewear brand Skims (2021)and Stefano Pilati (2023).

2020 年 9 月,英国设计师 Kim Jones 被任命为 Fendi 女装系列艺术总监,该系列之前由 Lagerfeld 担任。在他的领导下,Fendi 与 Kim Kardashian West 的塑身衣品牌 Skims (2021) 和 Stefano Pilati (2023) 合作推出了服装系列。


In May 2024, Fendi announced its return to the perfume market with a first collection of seven scents directly inspired by its origins.

2024 年 5 月,芬迪宣布重返香水市场,首批推出的七种香味直接受其起源启发。



The house of Fendi was launched in 1925 by Adele and Edoardo Fendi (1904–1954) as a fur and leather shop in Via del Plebiscito, Rome.In 1932 Adele and Edoardo Fendi opened a boutique in via Piave; the shop became a popular destination for tourists in Rome.

芬迪 (Fendi) 品牌由阿黛尔·芬迪 (Adele Fendi) 和爱德华多·芬迪 (Edoardo Fendi) (1904-1954) 于 1925 年在罗马平民表决街 (Via del Plebiscito) 创立,当时只是一家皮草皮革店。1932 年,阿黛尔和爱德华多·芬迪 (Edoardo Fendi) 在皮亚韦街 (via Piave) 开设了一家精品店,这家商店成为了罗马游客的热门目的地。


In 1946, the five sisters Paola, Anna, Franca, Carla, and Alda joined the company in its second generation as a family-owned enterprise, each owning 20 percent. Karl Lagerfeld joined Fendi in 1965 and became the creative director for the fur and women's ready-to-wear collections (launched in 1977).

1946 年,五姐妹 Paola、Anna、Franca、Carla 和 Alda 加入了这家家族企业,成为第二代掌门人,每人拥有 20% 的股份。Karl Lagerfeld 于 1965 年加入 Fendi,担任皮草和女装成衣系列(1977 年推出)的创意总监。


In 1966, Lagerfeld created the company logo, a double F in a square, which would later be the subject of various reinterpretations. Also in 1966, Fendi presented its first high fashion collection, expanding its interests in the United States and Japan. In 1969, its first commercial line of fur was launched, and in the following years, cosmetics and men's accessories were released. In 1977, Fendi introduced clothing for the first time, its ready-to-wear collection.

1966 年,拉格斐设计了公司徽标,即一个正方形中的双 F,后来该徽标被多次重新诠释。同样在 1966 年,芬迪推出了其首个高级时装系列,扩大了其在美国和日本的业务。1969 年,芬迪推出了首个商业皮草系列,随后几年,又推出了化妆品和男士配饰。1977 年,芬迪首次推出成衣系列。



In the 1980s, Fendi expanded its range with perfumes in 1985, as well as eyewear, jeans, and home furnishings in 1987.

20 世纪 80 年代,芬迪 (Fendi) 扩大了其产品范围,1985 年推出了香水,1987 年又推出了眼镜、牛仔裤和家居用品。


In 1989, Fendi opened its first United States boutique in New York on 5th Avenue.



By 1994, fashion operations were responsible for 90 percent of the firm's total revenue, of which 50 percent came from leather goods and accessories, 20 percent from apparel and 20 percent from furs. That year, Paola Fendi handed over the presidency of the company to her younger sister Carla. Silvia Venturini Fendi, daughter of Anna, also joined the fashion house in 1994 and has since been the artistic director for accessories and co-designer of the women's line alongside Lagerfeld; in 1997 she designed the Baguette Bag, an iconic model that beat all sales and notoriety records.

到 1994 年,时装业务占公司总收入的 90%,其中 50% 来自皮革制品和配饰,20% 来自服装,20% 来自皮草。同年,Paola Fendi 将公司总裁一职移交给了她的妹妹 Carla。Anna 的女儿 Silvia Venturini Fendi 也于 1994 年加入了这家时装公司,此后一直担任配饰艺术总监,并与 Lagerfeld 共同担任女装系列设计师;1997 年,她设计了 Baguette 包,这款标志性包包打破了所有销售和知名度记录。



Fendi was a family-controlled company until 1999, when Prada and LVMH, the world's biggest luxury goods group, joined to buy 51 percent of Fendi for $545 million; competitor Gucci lost out in the bidding process. Under the deal, Prada and LVMH were obligated to acquire any of the 49 percent of Fendi, should the sisters decide to sell. The label lost approximately 20 million euros in 2001 and again in 2002. In 2002, Prada agreed to sell its 25.5 percent stake to LVMH for $265 million. In 2002, LVMH acquired an additional 15.9 percent of the company. Carla Fendi, a member of the founding family, continued to act as chairwoman and a minority owner until 2008.


On 19 October 2007, Fendi chose the Great Wall of China to present its spring-summer collection and with 88 models, the first fashion show there.



In 2009, Silvia Venturini Fendi created the Peekaboo bag, achieving a success comparable to the Baguette Bag.

2009年,Silvia Venturini Fendi创造了Peekaboo包,取得了与Baguette包相当的成功。



In 2015, Fendi celebrated fifty years of business with Karl Lagerfeld and organized its first haute couture fashion show dedicated to furs, Haute Fourrure, at the Thétre des Champs-lysées in Paris. Later the brand celebrated its 90th anniversary with a fashion show at the Trevi fountain in Rome and planned to move its headquarters to Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, paying 2.8 million euros per annum to occupy the space; Fendi instead opened a hotel and its largest store at the location in 2016.

2015 年,芬迪庆祝与卡尔·拉格斐合作 50 周年,并在巴黎香榭丽舍剧院举办了首场以皮草为主题的高级定制时装秀 Haute Fourrure。后来,该品牌在罗马特莱维喷泉举办了一场时装秀,庆祝其成立 90 周年,并计划将总部迁至意大利文明宫,每年支付 280 万欧元以租用该空间;芬迪却在 2016 年在该地开设了一家酒店和其最大的门店。


In 2017, Fendi collaborated with Rimowa on an aluminum multiwheel suitcase. Also in 2017, Fendi released a customization shop in collaboration with e-commerce platform Farfetch for made-to-order handbag designs.

2017 年,Fendi 与 Rimowa 合作推出了一款铝制多轮行李箱。同样在 2017 年,Fendi 与电子商务平台 Farfetch 合作推出了一家定制商店,提供定制手袋设计。


By 2018, Fendi crossed the 1 billion euro ($1.2 billion) threshold in annual sales and had 3,000 employees worldwide, including around 400 in specialist leather and fur ateliers in Italy, and operated a network of 215 stores.

到 2018 年,芬迪的年销售额突破 10 亿欧元(12 亿美元),在全球拥有 3,000 名员工,其中意大利专业皮革和皮草工作室员工约 400 名,并经营着 215 家门店网络。



In 1983, Fendi launched the Fendissime diffusion line of furs, ready-to-wear clothing and handbags, then designed by Silvia, Maria Teresa and Federica Fendi. From 1987 to 1992, Silvia Venturini Fendi served as the label's designer.

1983 年,芬迪推出了 Fendissime 副线产品线,包括皮草、成衣和手袋,当时由 Silvia、Maria Teresa 和 Federica Fendi 设计。1987 年至 1992 年,Silvia Venturini Fendi 担任该品牌的设计师。


Other diffusion lines have included Fendi 365, Fendi Country (later Fendi Jeans), and Fendi Maglia knitwear. Through licensing agreements, Gruppo Nadini manufactured and distributed several of these lines.

其他副线品牌包括 Fendi 365、Fendi Country(后来的 Fendi Jeans)和 Fendi Maglia 针织品。通过许可协议,Gruppo Nadini 制造并分销了其中的几条产品线。



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